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ŽUB Feasibility Study (Brno railway junction)

The object of the study was the development of variants A and B to the level of a feasibility study.

Our contribution to the project: Traffic technology, simulation railway traffic

Client: SUDOP Brno

Solved 2015 – 2017

railML Certification Manual

The subject was .činnosti processing certification manual for applying software tools for data import and export format railML.

Our contribution to the project: Project management, creation and defending manual

Client: UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer / International Union of Railways) for the association, partners: Some Move, BahnKonzept

solved 2016-2017

Usage Optimization of railway lines with exhausted capacity

The subject was certified methodology determination and verification procedures leading to increased capacity in the path bottlenecks. Applying the methodology has been successfully certified. The outcome was further research report.

Our contribution to the project: Project management, design and processing technology, transport

Client: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic through a beta program for the Ministry of Transport and the Railway Infrastructure Administration, see above

solved 2015-2016

ŽUB – Completion of variants (Brno railway junction)

The object of the study was the reprocessing previously observed variations Railway Hub, taking into account the changed requirements for passage of passenger trains and freight (mainly due to the increase of trains planned construction of high-speed lines). Further, on the same footing (and under the same conditions) finalized variant of the solution according to the Civic Coalition Railway Hub Station in the city, which is considering the position of the station, approximately in today’s station Brno hl. n. This study was the basis of a feasibility study Railway Hub opened in 2014.

Our contribution to the project: Traffic technology, simulation railway traffic

Client: IKP CE, Ltd.

Solved 2012 – 2014

Hradec Kralove – Trutnov Railway Line Upgrade

Project within the so-called. Small projects OPD, which was the task of the designer propose a modification of infrastructure worth up to 1 billion. CZK while maximizing its benefits – especially in terms of passengers and shippers for freight transport.

Our contribution to the project: Traffic Technology

Client: IKP CE, Ltd.

Solved 2013 – 2014

Chlumec Cidlinou – Trutnov Railway Line Upgrade

Project within the so-called. Small projects OPD, which was the task of the designer propose a modification of infrastructure worth up to 1 billion. CZK while maximizing its benefits – especially in terms of passengers and shippers for freight transport.

Our contribution to the project: Forecast transport relations for the revitalization of lines Chlumec nad Cidlinou – Trutnov and Hradec Kralove – Trutnov. For this purpose was created a traffic model VISUM software for the Hradec Kralove region and the neighboring regions of Liberec, Central Bohemia and Pardubice.

Client: SUDOP Prague

Solved 2013 – 2014

Týniště nad Orlicí – Broumov Railway Line Upgrade

Project within the so-called. Small projects OPD, which was the task of the designer propose a modification of infrastructure worth up to 1 billion. CZK while maximizing its benefits – especially in terms of passengers and shippers for freight transport.

Our contribution to the project: Traffic Technology

Client: SUDOP Prague center Hradec Kralove

Solved 2013 – 2014

Hradec Králové – Trutnov Railway Line Upgrade

Project within the so-called. Small projects OPD, which was the task of the designer propose a modification of infrastructure worth up to 1 billion. CZK while maximizing its benefits – especially in terms of passengers and shippers for freight transport.

Our contribution to the project: Traffic technology – as part of the work was proposed concept of operations for the entire northeastern part of the Hradec Kralove Region (area trails Hradec Kralove – Jaromer, Jaromer – Trutnov Týniště nad Orlicí – Broumov, Starkoč – Václavice, Trutnov – Teplice nad Metují). Prognosis transport relations for the revitalization of lines Chlumec nad Cidlinou – Trutnov and Hradec Kralove – Trutnov. For this purpose was created a traffic model VISUM software for the Hradec Kralove region and the neighboring regions of Liberec, Central Bohemia and Pardubice.

Client: SUDOP Prague center Hradec Kralove

Solved 2013 – 2014

HS planning study Praha – Litoměřice

The object of the study was to find possible routes of future high speed line Prague – Dresden section Praha – Litomerice. It has also been extensively dealt with the involvement of the track to the railway junction Prague in Balabenky.

Our contribution to the study: Transportation Technologies

Client: IKP CE, Ltd.

Solved 2013 – 2014

Priorities for Rail Network Development in the Czech Republic

The object of the study was a proposal for improvements to 36 lines of national importance outside the main corridors in order to maximize their network effect in trying not to propose challenging technical solutions. Proposals for the reconstruction of individual lines were designed so that they can in the future high-speed lines to form one whole competitive with individual transport.

Our contribution to the project: Set timetable for individual tracks, partly evaluation of individual lines

Client: IKP CE, Ltd.

Solved 2011 – 2012